614 area representatives to ask about the fuckin schools

1. William P. DeMora - Ohio Senate District 25, Democrat,
2. Beth Liston, Ohio Senate District 16, Democrat
3. Hearcel F. Craig Ohio Senate District 15, Democrat
4. Mike Dewine, Govna of dogshit policy, est. 2019

Tell them to stop being assholes

If from columbus and not sure what to say, heres a brief premade template

Dear (William P. DeMora, Beth Liston, Hearcel Craig, Mike DeWine),

Is there any chance you guys can attempt to structure and maintain a minimum standard for educational systems for the youth in the Columbus area since we're losing the federal one? Defunding the system that holds public education to at least some degree of accountability, under the guise of wasted tax dollars, is absolutely retarded.

While you're at it, could you also consider structuring an investigative committee to uncover the apparent blatant misuse of public funding on education? I too wonder how the fuck Columbus City Schools, the largest by attendees and by design of the division of public funds for education, the largest recipient of public education state funding, still has fucking schools without air conditioning, as well as failing building infrastructure.

Also, how the fuck does Superintendent Angela Chapman have an annual salary contract for over a quarter million dollars, and kids are attending schools that are falling apart? There are several of the elementaries that have cockroach infestations, and we are rewarding the jackasses who run the school system, for their incompetence. The cumulative contract pay of the top 10 administrators in the school system over the past 2 years sums to over 4 million dollars. Thank you, and this is complete horse shit. Do your fucking job.